Peter Parker will be the main protagonist in the upcoming Spider-Man game for PS4, but the several hints at the inclusion of Miles Morales in the last few trailers have made that less a given in comparison to how you’d expect it to be.

Talking to Game Informer, creative director Bryan Intihar has made it clear once again that this is going to be the story of Peter Parker, where other characters will have different roles, but where under the suit of Spidey there’ll be him and him alone.

“This is a Peter Parker story. That is not Miles in that suit, which is the question everyone keeps asking me on Twitter,” Intihar claimed responding to a quite specific question by the American magazine.

More details included in the coverage reveal that Parker’ll be 23 when the story kicks off, which means he’s been Spider-Man for around 8 years and has a good knowledge of what it means to be a superhero.

The story is spanned over several weeks in October, and this will be reflected by Peter changing hairstyle and clothes based on the weather shift during that month.

Spider-Man is releasing on September 7 for PS4.