Title: Spider-Man & the League of Realms #1 (2019)

Published: May 15th, 2019

Publisher: Marvel

Writer: Sean Ryan

Penciler: Nico Leon

Cover Artist: Ken Lashley

(Spoilers ahead for Spider-Man & the League of Realms #1)

Spider-Man isn’t just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man anymore. He has grown into so much more, both with the films as a character and in the comics — specifically the War of the Realms comics. Spider-Man is a leader in this series, though he might not know it yet. Thor has bestowed on him great responsibility. Peter Parker is a shy and cautious person who analyzes every bit of a situation before busting down doors. It is what makes him a skilled asset as well as a compassionate hero. Thor knows who he has picked to lead a mission though everyone else takes this decision for granted, Parker seeks peace, and that diplomacy is whats most necessary to complete this task.

Writer Sean Ryan knows where to take the story in forms of peace and balance. The comics have Spider-Man at odds with his odd warrior selected team. Spidey knows he is no warrior and to be elected leader of a group of warriors is asinine. Maybe there was no one else. Anyone else? Spider-Man thinks this the entire mission and while caring about civilians and the lives of the team. The team is only interested in the destruction of their enemy, The Angels. An alien species of Warrior Angels that are bred to be the ultimate soldiers. More powerful than anything in the universe. The embodiment of death!

The leader of the Angels, Fernande, is under orders from her Queen and wishes only to obey, that is until she meets Peter Parker. He hears her life of shoot first ask questions later, consumption and devastation. In this, he realizes she has lived a lonely and hostile life. Spidey relays his understanding, diplomacy resumes, and the battle is called off. Through this compassion, a young human had, war and destruction are avoided, for now.

We know that Angel’s superiors are upset with her betrayal and are looking for a kill as punishment, but will she be safe with Spider-Man and his unconventional squad? Peter Parker still doesn’t understand his purpose here, but he knows when to do the right thing.

A tremendous display of humanism in this book, Sean Ryan pegged the need for understanding right on the head. With The War of the Realms in utter chaos, can diplomacy preside?

Verdict: I thoroughly enjoyed this comic, and I am looking forward to seeing Sean Ryan continue the series. Spider-Man showed a sense of humanity and love to someone he didn’t know. Spidey brought peace in a moment of chaos all through understanding. Something you rarely see in these battle drove comics. Will the Angel Warriors team up for the fight against the Dark Elves? Promises by the dark elves may be too high. Fernande will have to make a choice. That would be an incredible asset to the war. The comic was excellent, and I am going to keep up with the next books release.

Spider-Man and the League of Realms #1 Review

  • Interesting characters

  • Good Storyline

  • The warriors lacked intelligence

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