In the newly released Wandering Spirits trailer on YouTube, the skin Spirit Blossom Sett was confirmed, and Riot Games subtly teased other League of Legends skins. The trailer follows Sett as he writes a letter to his mother, stating that he is off on a quest to find his akana father. This video confirms that we will be getting a Spirit Blossom event in 2022 for the first time in two years. Spirit Blossom has always been one of the community’s favorite events due to its lighthearted dating sim mode and gorgeous skins.
The soft colors look amazing on the typically stoic Sett, and his long hair complements the gentle outfit. Since the trailer is focused entirely on Sett, community members presume that his Spirit Blossom skin will be a legendary skin that costs 1820 RP. Despite Sett’s presence in this trailer, several details hint toward other future Spirit Blossom skins. The trailer hints toward nine other characters, including Karma, Aphelios, Yorick, Darius, Soraka, Evelynn, Tristana, Master Yi, and Syndra.
Sett has always been loving toward his mother, but this trailer takes that storytelling one step further. The trailer depicts Sett’s relentless journey to find his akana father, showing him passing through the realms of various spirits. He claims that his spirit has not been at rest since his father left, and this is his only chance. It is his destiny, and nothing can stop him. Not luck, not promises, nothing can prevent him from reuniting with his family. With new lore and majestic skins on the horizon, the Spirit Blossom 2022 event cannot come soon enough.
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