Indie studio Triangle Square has been hard at work on a new title, and are finally ready to release it. Spirit Oath, their foray into the real-time strategy genre, releases on Steam Early Access on June 2nd. It will be available for $10, a discount of $5 to celebrate the launch. Its fast-paced action is sure to excite fans of both RTS games and fantasy combat. To go with the release, the team released a trailer that shows off what you can expect along with the story of the game.

In Spirit Oath, you play as the mystical forest guardian Darom. You’re stuck inside an ancient totem, held there by an unknown and difficult foe. Your only hope is to employ forbidden magics to defeat those who have trapped you there. Protect your friends and assault your enemies on your quest to save your homeland of Elderwood. The story looks to be quite gritty and hopefully challenges the player’s thought of how far they’ll go to protect others. We’ll have to wait and see how that story plays out when the game releases.

And it looks pretty solid so far as well. The art style of Spirit Oath takes on a cartoony look while maintaining that idea of an evil danger lurking about. It also looks to have a high skill ceiling with the amount of strategy required from an RTS. There’s even some extra content, with skirmish levels alongside the campaign that promise to test your skills. This all combined with a fast-paced nature should make this type of RTS accessible to a lot more people. I’m excited to see where Triangle Square takes this game, and hopefully, you’re excited too.

What are your thoughts on Spirit Oath? Anything that stands out to you already? Tell us your thoughts, and stay tuned here at The Nerd Stash for all your news, reviews, and more!