Some shots of the box, the design is great as usual. Those not wanting to remove the Amiibo from the package will have a great display piece.

This is really the best shot to see everything. I didn’t even notice the hair tie until looking at these images. The plastic on the gun and backpack are clear, allowing light to pass through and giving the figure a great look.

A better look at the detailing on the shoes and the gun, as well as the small etching on the bottom of the ink backpack.

Here you can really see the ink underneath the Amiibo’s shoe, tying it to the game very well.

A closer look at the clear plastics I mentioned earlier.

Finally an image of the back showing more of the great detail work, such as the red nozzle on the top of the backpack. Overall this is one of my favorite Amiibo so far, with fantastic details and a really unique look. Check back for more on Splatoon, including a video of exactly what the Amiibo do in the game, very soon.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Splatoon Amiibo – Inkling Boy ‘Unboxing’ Images

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