Today, the team at Offworld Industries went live with the update v3.2.1 hotfix for their popular shooter Squad, along with the accompanying patch notes. The v3.2.1 hotfix update to Squad will bring just a handful of updates to gameplay.

However, with a short list of patch notes, the community can expect only a few changes to things they are familiar with this time. So, without any more introduction, read the full patch notes for the Squad v3.2.1 hotfix update.

Squad Update v3.2.1 Hotfix

Attention Squaddies,

We will be deploying hotfix 3.2.1 today to address the Toggle Sprint issue that was introduced in the latest update. This issue made movement and controls unreliable sometimes, and we are confident that this fix will solve it. Furthermore, it will be the sole purpose of this hotfix as we found it severely impacting the quality of gameplay and could not wait until the next update. So the list of changes is relatively short on that one:


  • Fixed an issue with the Toggle Sprint feature that caused the “sprinting” state to persist until going into ADS or toggling it off again manually.

Toggled sprinting will now behave as follows:

  • While sprinting, the sprint state will toggle itself off when letting go of the forward movement key (pre-v3.2 behavior).
  • While sprinting, the sprint state will toggle itself off when ADS (pre-v3.2 behavior).
  • A sprint can be initiated / sprinting can be toggled on while ADS if the forward movement key is held down when the sprint toggle key is pressed – this now includes while moving diagonally while ADS (forwards + strafe).

We thank you for your feedback on update 3.2. It has been a great help to identify what needed to be our priority to fix. If you find other bugs, please report them on our forums.

At ease,

Offworld Out.

After reading through the patch notes for the Squad v3.2.1 hotfix update, you can find the game available on PC via Steam. Additionally, head over to the official website to read the Squad v3.2.1 hotfix official patch notes, along with any more information you’re looking to find. You can also keep an eye out for future updates to Squad there. Lastly, outside of the Squad v3.2.1 hotfix update patch notes, you can learn more on their official website if you’re interested in the developers at Offworld Industries and any of their other projects.