Square Enix issued a letter to the gaming community on New Year’s Day meant to outline what the company will be focusing on this year and in the future. That letter made it clear the company’s efforts will center around cloud gaming.

It didn’t take long for the letter to mention services like Stadia and xCloud. Cloud gaming was front and center even though its first foray into the avenue with Google Stadia was less than stellar.

While early efforts with the technology have been hit or miss, it’s clear Square Enix believes it’s the future of gaming and wants to get ahead of the crowd.

At the top of the list for why cloud gaming is going to be so crucial in the coming months and years is the rolling out of 5G services. Square Enix believes the larger adoption of that technology will directly impact and speed up cloud gaming adoption as well.

While we’re going to have to wait a while to see what Square Enix has in store in the cloud gaming realm, some new titles are coming from the company we do know about. Marvel’s Avengers is likely it’s biggest and most anticipated release, at least when it comes to early 2020.

That game is a step in the direction of cloud gaming as it appears it will have games-as-a-service aspects to it. Considering the company also talked about next-generation titles it’s working on, we’ll likely get more information on just what Square Enix has planned relatively soon.