Let the infinite teases commence.

We’re really in the thick of it now, as the E3 2019 hype train is in full swing. Square Enix hasn’t wasted any time, tweeting something brand new for their press conference. Apparently, it will be a brand new IP called Outriders, and the name is accompanied with the tagline “Initialize Cryostasis wake-up procedure.”

We also got a very brief 15 second tease from the company where it shows a person waking up from a stasis pod after a long cryo sleep. New IP’s are always exciting to look forward to, but it’s when they show it off for the very first time at the actual E3 conference that we’ll know what we’re in for. From what we can tell, the game might take place in a cyberpunk style future, no offense Cyberpunk 2077, where you’r role after waking up will have drastic consequences.

At least that’s how these story lines tend to work out, but Square Enix could be taking the genre in a unique direction. They already have the worlds attention with their upcoming Avengers game, which will also be unveiled at E3, so it wouldn’t be such a stretch for them to try something new again. Either way, this just makes their incoming press conference that much more exciting, as is the nature of all E3 reveals, and trust us, we’re just getting started with these. Square Enix’s E3 2019 Press Conference will be on Monday, June 10 at 6:00 pm PST.

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Square Enix to Show off a Brand New IP Called Outriders at E3

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