Before Disney entered the galaxy, Lucasfilm had a bright future with video games. Many hoped for a bigger single-player adventure game despite a few flopped games in the early 2010s. At the same time, rumors were spurning of a bounty hunter game titled Star Wars 1313. Set onto the world of Coruscant, players would control Boba Fett. As a young bounty hunter on the 1,313th floor of planet Coruscant, gameplay would have taken players all across the gigantic city. Despite the game continuing development in 2013 after the Disney Star Wars acquisition, the title was canceled shortly after that. Yet, after almost 10 years since its initial unveiling, new Star Wars 1313 Boba Fett gameplay footage surfaces.
What’s In The New Star Wars 1313 Boba Fett Test Gameplay?
Revealed by a group of Star Wars researchers working on uncovering Star Wars Battlefront 3, The Vault also dives into other canceled games. While most of the footage seems to come from an early test build, the themes and presentation are all very sleek. There’s a clear sense of passion Lucasarts Games was putting into Star Wars 1313, which is evident in even these testing scenarios. Filled with huge sprawling areas and even showed off some chase-like sequences that feel reminiscent of classic Assassin’s Creed. Yet while there is little known about the game as these are early showings. There’s likely more of what was playable at the time of active development. The short 3-minute video ends off showing the ragdoll physics and model animations of the various characters. While that’s all that was shown and revealed, there’s surely plenty of unreleased Star Wars canceled game footage out in the world.