Darth Vader #25 by Greg Pak and Raffaele Ienco hit shelves on July 20, 2022, with reference to The Phantom Menace. Anakin, aka Darth Vader hasn’t touched podracing since Episode I, but when he works with his childhood friend, Kitster, it’s hard not to pick up old hobbies. Vader listens to Kitster’s plight about the corrupt governor of Gabredor III and decides to make some changes. By the end of the issue, the governor escapes, but Vader refuses to give up. The only way to continue Darth Vader’s pursuit is Kitster’s custom podracer and a vehicle that Vader knows his way around for podracing.

Darth Vader #25 Events

Greg Pak (Planet Hulk, World War Hulk) pens an incredible story that connects Vader to his Phantom Menace past. The Dark Lord of the Sith reconnects to ghosts of his past. Some might have expected issue 25 to be “Crimson Reign’s” conclusion, but it very much continues its intriguing story. Some panels might seem familiar to fans that watched the Obi-Wan Kenobi series on Disney+. Vader attempts to hold a ship in place with the force as it tries to escape, but this ship has a little more luck than Kenobi’s.

Sabe, the former handmaiden to Queen Amidala, butts heads with an Imperial assassin. She pulls rank as Lieutenant Commander, a rank given to her by Vader himself after the assassin attempts to go off-mission. Meanwhile, Vader boards Governor Tantaza’s Star Destroyer in order to arrest her. Governor Tantaza was caught working for the criminal organization Crimson Dawn. You might remember Crimson Dawn from the Solo movie, where it was revealed that Darth Maul was its leader. Crimson Dawn appeared long before Solo was ever in production, but it’s nice to see more interconnectivity within the Star Wars universe.

Darth Vader #25 landed on shelves on July 20, 2022. Written by Greg Pak and illustrated by Raffaele Ienco, the series fills gaps between Episode III and Episode IV.