The minds behind the Star Wars universe are introducing a series of animated shorts called Galaxy of Adventures. This is aimed towards the young fans as a way of making the stories simpler and more easily accessible to children. James Waugh, Lucasfilm Executive, had this to say about it:

The animated shorts will have classic themes, important moments, and well-known characters from the Star Wars saga. The first six episodes have original dialogue, music and sound effects from the movies. But it also has plenty of educational moments and vibrant animation. The first short premiered on November 30th, 2018, and other shorts will premiere throughout this December with additional characters. Regular releases will happen throughout 2019. Waugh says:

These shorts will debut on the new and the Star Wars Kids YouTube channel. Its part of Lucasfilm’s initiative under the Galaxy of Adventures banner. 2019 will be a year-long celebration of all things Star Wars leading up to the final chapter of the Skywalker Saga – Episode IX –  in December of 2019. Waugh reflects: