Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order’s preorder bonus has been gifted to every player.

EA released the patch notes for the latest update to Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order which includes bug fixes and free items.

Players will now have access to the cosmetic items given to players as a preorder bonus. The main attraction here is that you can now play the game with an orange lightsaber. Orange lightsaber blades are very uncommon in the Star Wars universe. Jedi Master Plo Koon is sometimes portrayed with an orange lightsaber in Star Wars comics such as The Stark Hyperspace War. Jedi Master Yaddle also uses an orange lightsaber blade.

Cal’s lightsaber can be customized further by equipping the Mygeeto Campaign and the Umbaran Campaign lightsaber hilts. There is also a new skin for your droid companion BD-1 called BEE-D-1. This skin, believe it or not, resembles a bee. And finally, you get the Gold Squadron Skin for your ship, the Stinger Mantis.

Bug Fixes

On top of the in-game cosmetics being given to every Fallen Order player, the patch included bug fixes and improvements. Players found an exploit where the photo mode camera could explode rockets. EA elaborated further by saying that the photo mode camera “could interact with trigger volumes within the levels that could potentially break the game.” By fixing this, rockets can no longer be exploded by the photo mode camera.

They have also fixed an elevator not appearing on the final level, updated language translations and improved collision on Ilum.

Game codes for preorder bonuses sell for a lot online, so it’s likely this is a reason they’ve gifted it to players. The game was also plagued by bugs so this could also be them giving back to their community.