With Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker on the horizon it won’t be long until we all collectively ask. What’s next? Rumors have been pointing towards a new threat in the form of the Grysks, a set of warriors that Goku and co. would be proud of.

These rumors have been circulating for a while now and have been picked up by ScreenRant today. The most recent novel from Timothy Zahn, Thrawn: Treason delves into what a threat the Grysks could be if they do appear in the post Episode IX world.

Grysks act covertly and it is said that if they flee combat it is because they chose to do so. They are slavers that manage to bend a person’s will so much that the slaves would do their every bidding, even willing to die for the cause.

The Grysks were described to Darth Vader as follows:

Apparently, it would take just three of their number to take over an entire world.

The most recent Thrawn novel deals with this race quite comprehensively and is quite a good read. The story itself is canon, however, it is set before Episode 4, so who knows if the Gysks are being set up to make a return after Episode IX or if their story ends before that.

I’m conscious of going into too many spoilers here and I’d recommend a read of the books to make your own minds up. The recent book in the final part of a trilogy, so there’s plenty of story to get your teeth into.

If the Grysk are to replace the Sith et al after Episode IX they would offer us something a bit different and could be an interesting threat. We won’t know who will act as an antagonist in Episode X onwards for quite some time yet I’d image. We still have The Rise of Skywalker to get through after all.