Star Wars has some of the most iconic heroes in cinema. From Luke Skywalker to Master Yoda to Han Solo, these characters aren’t ones you’re likely to forget.

As the franchise has expanded, so has its cast of characters. And, as is the case, some have definitely aged better than others. So, let’s look at the best Jedi in the Star Wars galaxy…

10) Qui-Gon Jinn

Qui-Gon Jinn is an unlikeable character. He never made Council because of his rebellious attitude, and, during his one movie, Jinn makes a series of bad decisions. Perhaps the most catastrophic was deciding to take little Annie along for the ride, inadvertently giving the galaxy the terrible Darth Vader, right-hand man to a Sith Emperor.

That said, the man who trained Obi-Wan couldn’t have been a slouch as a mentor. And he shows some excellent combat prowess fending off Darth Maul…well, until he’s impaled, that is. It’s a real shame that Qui-Gon Jinn didn’t have the foresight to see the emotional issues that plagued Anakin. If he’d intervened early, perhaps Darth Vader may not have been born.

9) Ki-Adi Mundi

Sadly, Ki-Adi-Mundi is a background character in the prequel movies. That, and he’s cursed with a head almost as big as Marge Simpson’s hairdo. His most prominent moment comes in Revenge of the Sith when his Clones betray him via Order 66.

But Genndy Tartavosky’s Clone Wars series shows us Mundi at his best. As his Jedi teammates are ruthlessly hunted by Grievous, Mundi is the one who lasts the longest. Indeed, he lasts long enough to survive the ordeal, whereas his comrades end up immobile or dead. He’s old but very persistent.

8) Kit Fisto

Poor Kit Fisto barely gets time to shine in the prequel movies. Not only is this Nautolan cursed with an awkward name (at least, in our galaxy), but Darth Sidious easily overpowers him despite having two other Jedi at his side. It’s perhaps a good thing, therefore, that the Star Wars: Clone Wars micro-series gave him his moment in the spotlight, showing us why he’s one of the best Jedi.

In one of the micro series’ most memorable moments, Fisto shows his Jedi prowess underwater. The gill-bearing hero finds his Clone comrades annihilated and left to fend for himself. This apparently proves unhindering since he manages to destroy a large droid machine with a giant bubble. That’s power and resolve for you.

7) Anakin Skywalker

Despite his impatience, immaturity, and lust for victory, Anakin was a great Jedi. He is, after all, the Chosen One destined to destroy the Sith. And he was, as Obi-Wan would later reminisce, a great warrior and pilot. It’s just unfortunate his dark side got the better of him in the end.

That said, Anakin’s actions helped win many battles for the Republic. Even when defeated, Anakin would return later a stronger Jedi (one example being when he bests Dooku two years after the Sith Lord did so to him). Anakin would later defeat the greatest Sith Lord of all time. However, he achieves this only with the help of his son after 24 years of being manipulated by the aforementioned Sith Lord. However, powerful physically – Anakin has always suffered on a mental level.

6) Ahsoka Tano

Introduced in the widely-panned 2008 animated movie The Clone Wars, Ahsoka gained a surge of popularity in the ensuing TV Series. She is easily one of the most developed characters in the show and one of the best Jedi. But not merely based on force powers alone.

Ahsoka is strong because even after she’s discriminated against by the only family she’s known, she still retains her compassion and kindness. In the seventh season, Ahsoka’s influence helps rescue two sisters from the ire of a notorious gangster – and changes their view on the Jedi. Her practicality and planning also allow Ahsoka to be one of the few Jedi to survive Order 66.

5) Mace Windu

Mace Windu was destined to be a badass Jedi. After all, the character is portrayed by badass of all Hollywood badasses, Samuel L. Jackson. And to this very day, fans debate whether Jackson was a good choice to play a Jedi since he’s known for playing angry, aggressive characters.

That aside, in the movies, Mace Windu kills Jango Fett and continues to act as a major force in the ensuing Clone Wars. Indeed, had Anakin not been intervened, there’s no doubt he would have offed Palpatine/Darth Sidious (the most powerful Sith in history). And if these examples weren’t evidence enough of his formidability, one need only check out the 2D animated Clone Wars series.

4) Rey (Skywalker)

Like or hate her, Rey is a great Jedi. She appears to have inherited the Force to such a degree that she’s a natural. In the movies, Rey is a bafflingly quick learner and quickly picks up new skills. When we learn that she is a descendant of Palpatine – arguably the most powerful Sith in history – it makes sense.

During the sequel trilogy, Rey is searching for meaning. Her Achilles’ heel is her obsession with finding purpose through her lineage. She is horrified when she learns her parents might be a bunch of nobodies. Furthermore, she is understandably miffed when she learns of her Sith ancestry. The fact Rey overcomes this and instead chooses to find meaning in her individuality (while offing Clone Palpatine in the process) makes her a powerful Jedi indeed.

3) Master Yoda

Like your stereotypical alien, Yoda is a little green man. And, like the stereotype, he’s definitely weird and, especially in his later years, very creepy. But the amount of stuff this little guy accomplishes during the franchise keeps him firmly within the top 5 Star Wars heroes.

A major player during the Clone Wars, Yoda proves agile and formidable as a lightsaber duelist. And when his Jedi comrades seek advice, he’s always on hand to provide it. And, honestly, he’s a great hero for persisting with his idiosyncratic manner of speech and still owning everybody’s respect.

2) Luke Skywalker

Mark Hamill’s iconic hero is the focus of the Star Wars original trilogy. During his journey, Luke goes from naïve aspiring pilot to a Rebellion legend and, eventually, Jedi Knight. Using his compassion as a weapon, Luke rescues his father from the dark side, helping him fulfill his destiny.

Thanks to his victory, Luke goes on to re-establish the Jedi. And although he grows cynical after feeling he failed Kylo Ren, Luke eventually realizes he was wrong. Like Obi-Wan and Yoda before him, Luke continues to support his protégé, Rey, posthumously and helps save the galaxy again.

1) Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan first appeared in 1977’s A New Hope under the pseudonym Ben Kenobi. There’s an interesting irony that, despite dying in the same movie he’s introduced, ol’ Obi-Wan receives some of the most compelling expansion in the franchise. The prequels take us back to Kenobi’s ‘golden years’ as a loyal Padawan and then a resourceful Jedi General in the Clone Wars.

Obi-Wan’s a great hero because he constantly sticks to his principles. Throughout the series, Obi-Wan watches his former love die in front of him. His apprentice and best friend switches sides, and he starts training his fallen apprentice’s son. There’s no doubt that despite trial and tribulation coming at him in waves, Kenobi is a determinator whose everlasting faith in the force and his comrades make him one of Star Wars’ best Jedi.

But that’s just our take. Who do you think are the best Jedi from the Star Wars movies and TV Shows?