Today the Ukrainian game company Starni Games made the announcement for the upcoming release of a choose your own adventure style visual novel called Ukraine War Stories. The Starni Games title Ukraine War Stories is set to release on Steam in October of this year, giving a voice to those still trapped in the war-torn nation. The developers plan on releasing the title free with a demo currently available.

A visual novel recounting the early months of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

The full game will have three stories, including Hostomel, which is available in the demo. The second story is about Bucha, the town next to Hostomel, a suburb of the city of Kyiv, where Oleksandr Androshchuk from the Starni Games team hid in his garage basement for a whole week under the Russian occupation. His family managed to evacuate safely but not before witnessing what the Russian occupation would look like, which is also incorporated into the story of the Starni Games title. Explaining their reasons for continuing to work on the game even during these difficult times, the developers from Starni Games had this to say:

“As a Ukraine-based company (that still works from our Kyiv office), we could not sit idly by when the Russian Army stood some 3 km from Kyiv. So our main goal now is to spread the word about what is happening in Ukraine and present a correct and truthful account of the events.”

The developers wish to spread the word by offering the game for free to players. After reading about the announcement of the Strni Games title Ukraine War Stories, if you’re interested in supporting Starni Games or their title Ukraine War Stories you can add it to your wishlist on Steam. To keep up to date on any news or to learn more about their other projects, head to the Starni Games development page.