If you are playing State of Decay 2 on PC then you can tweak the game settings by modifying the .ini file. This file is located in the game folder and you can edit it using a text editor like Notepad++. It is recommended to first take a back up of the file so that in case if there is any error you can replace it back for default settings.

Tweak .ini File For State of Decay PC

The settings below are provided by reddit user ‘bilago’, you can click on the source link in the end for more info and discussion. If you find .ini file empty you can add the below settings.

Location of State of Decay 2 .ini file

  • You can find the .ini file in the below location, use the State of Decay 2 ini Configuration Editor provided in the source link at the end of this article.

State of Decay 2 .ini File Tweaks:

Tweak To Increase Field Of View

  • Edit File – Engine.ini and modify the below value to Section – /Script/Engine.LocalPlayer
  • AspectRatioAxisConstraint=AspectRatio_MaintainYFOV

Tweak To Turn off Motion Blur

  • Edit File – Engine.ini and modify the below value to Section – /Script/Engine.RendererSettings
  • r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur=False

Tweak To Turn off Lens Flare

  • Edit File – Engine.ini and modify the below value to Section – /Script/Engine.RendererSettings
  • r.DefaultFeature.LensFlare=False

Tweak To Turn off Disable Depth Of Field

  • Edit File – Engine.ini and modify the below value to Section – /Script/Engine.RendererSettings
  • r.DefaultFeature.DepthOfField=False

Tweak Supersamping

  • Edit File – Engine.ini and modify the below value to Section – /Script/Engine.RendererSettings
  • r.ScreenPercentage=100.00

Tweak To Remove Remove Mouse Smoothing

  • Edit File – GameuserSettings.ini and modify the below value to Section – /Script/DaytonGame.DaytonGameUserSettings
  • bDisableMouseAcceleration=True

Tweak For Grass Density

  • Edit File – Scalability.ini and modify the below value to Section – [email protected]
  • foliage.DensityScale=1.0 & grass.DensityScale=1.0.

Tweak For Language Localization

  • Edit File – Engine.ini and modify the below value to Section – Internationalization
  • Culture=en

Tweak To Remove Film grain effect

  • Edit File – Engine.ini and modify the below value to Section – SystemSettings
  • r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization=0 / r.Tonemapper.Quality=0

The above settings are mostly tested by the user, there are some untested settings also. The list is below.

Untested Tweaks For State of Decay 2 PC:

Tweak To Remove Mouse Acceleration/Smoothing

  • Edit File – input.ini and modify the below value to Section – /Script/Engine.InputSettings
  • bEnableMouseSmoothing=False / bViewAccelerationEnabled=false

So these are the tweaks you can try out, if you need more info and update you can refer the Source: Reddit link for the same. For more similar guides, tips and tricks you read our State of Decay Wiki.