Back in March, Steam came to Chrome OS as an Alpha program for a limited set of Chromebooks. And months later, Google and Valve have now announced the beta stage for Steam on Chrome OS. This new brings in performance improvements and support for more Chromebooks that can now play games via Steam on their devices. Check out the details below to know more.

Steam on Chrome OS’s beta version will be a part of the Chrome OS beta channel (version, 108), making it available for more devices. The system requirements have also widened with support for devices with AMD Ryzen 5000 C-Series and Intel 12th Gen Core CPUs. The minimum requirement is now Intel core i3 and AMD Ryzen 3.

Based on user feedback given at the time of the alpha program, there are a number of performance and user experience improvements tagged along. Performance changes include support for graphics libraries like DirectX 12 and Vulkan 1.3 to improve how shaders are stored, better scaling to easily play games in QHD and UHD, and the addition of 50 new gaming titles.