Games that use blockchain technology or let users exchange NFTs or cryptocurrencies won’t be allowed on Steam, according to a rule added to Valve’s “What you shouldn’t publish on Steam” list. So Steam bans all games with NFT’s or any type of cryptocurrency involved in them due to the real-world value these things hold.

First, we should define what an NFT is. NFTs allow you to buy and sell ownership of unique digital items and keep track of who owns them using the blockchain. NFT stands for “non-fungible token,” and it can technically contain anything digital, including drawings, animated GIFs, songs, or items in video games, which relates to Steam‘s decision.

This change was noted by a user named SpacePirate, who is a developer for a game that has NFT’s involved in his product and has seen his game banned on Steam as a result. However Steam may be avoided controversy with this move, as while they are a big platform, they are not the only one in the market.

Epic is another big platform in the PC gaming space, however, their CEO Tim Sweeney has stated the company isn’t interested in NFT’s, but it doesn’t seem to be applying to the games in the Epic Store. Epic even spoke with The Verge in regards to their openness for blockchain games on the Epic Games Store.

Epic has also shared that information that they are also fine with blockchains being involved within their games, so it is clear Epic is taking a vastly different approach. We will have to see how other platforms such as Apple approach this situation, especially with the controversies that come from NFT’s, such as potential money laundering.

To keep up to date on all the latest news regarding Steam and more, such as the GTA Remastered Trilogy possibly coming to Steam, then keep reading along with us at The Nerd Stash!