Steam has always been the top dog when it came to digital stores on PC. Valve’s marketplace has not reached a massive new milestone yesterday when the service surpassed 30 million concurrent users, an impressive record for Steam. The news came from SteamDB, and according to the data provided, out of the total 30 million people on Steam, 8.5 million were active players. Although impressive, that is not a record since Steam had almost 9.3 million people playing at the same time on February 14th this year.

This year has been very good for Valve’s marketplace, since Steam almost reached the 30 million mark once before this year. On January 24th, Steam had 29 million concurrent users, so the growth has been non-stop since the pandemic started.

Massive Number Of Players On Steam

Valve launched Steam way back in September 2003 as a client where people could sell their games. The main game on Steam was of course, Half-Life 2, the very first title that required people for buy the game through the Steam store, even for retail copies back in November 2004. Soon after that, other game developers were allowed to publish their titles onto the Steam marketplace as well, and then massive publishers started to show up on the platform.

In more recent Valve news, the company’s flagship handheld, the Steam Deck has been doing remarkably well. The consoles have been flying off the shelves, and only recently was Valve able to finally catch up to the massive demand.

Although other stores like the Epic Store, and Ubisoft’s offering have brought some competition to Valve, the Deck isn’t something they can replicate at this point. Some future plans regarding what the Steam Deck could change into have also been seen in the wild, and it seems the Deck is here to stay.

In other news, here is how you can get rid of the connection timeout error on Steam. And here’s how well Gotham Knights runs on the Steam Deck.