If you’ve been scammed Steam feels bad for you son, they’ve got 99 problems but your items ain’t one.

Our community assigns an item a value that is at least partially determined by that item’s scarcity. If more copies of the item are added to the economy through inventory rollbacks, the value of every other instance of that item would be reduced.

We sympathize with people who fall victim to scams, but we provide enough information on our website and within our trading system to help users make good trading decisions. All trade scams can be avoided.

If you’ve ever fallen for a scam on Steam, tell us about it and what you’d do to avoid it if something similar happened again.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

More on Attack of the Fanboy :

Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Steam Clarifies Policy Of Not Returning Items to Scammed Players

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