Valve’s Steam Deck, the company’s new portable gaming console, has been gradually rolling out over the last several weeks, to substantial acclaim. Though there are plenty of hopefuls who are still waiting to receive their Steam Deck, those who have managed to acquire one have been singing its praises. While that doesn’t always translate to financial success, the Deck has been sitting pretty at the number two spot on SteamDB’s global top sellers list for the last five weeks, languishing just behind the likes of Elden Ring and Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.

However, it’s high fives all round at Valve this week as the Steam Deck finally claimed the top spot. The rankings are calculated by weekly revenue, so with its gradual rollout it’s perhaps no surprise that the Deck has stayed near the top of the rankings for weeks. It’s possible that now, with the excitement surrounding Elden Ring and Lego Star Wars starting to quiet down, the slower and steadier sales of the Steam Deck finally have a chance to rise to the top.

Whatever the reason, it’s doubtless good news for Valve. With Steam Deck sales continuing to roll out piecemeal over the next several months, we’re unlikely to see the console leave the top ten rankings any time soon.