When Valve first announced the Steam Deck, fans were thrilled for the opportunity to have a handheld computer. The design and appearance were similar to the Nintendo Switch but would allow users to play a wider variety of games. It was given a release window of December 2021, but Valve has now announced a delay in the Steam Deck’s release.

In an official statement, Valve announced that they were delaying the Steam Deck’s launch by two months, pushing the release to February of 2022. While this will undoubtedly disappoint fans, there is the belief that a delayed product is better than a rushed product.

In the same statement, Valve reassures fans that all reservation holders will keep their place in line as the dates shift back. They also stated that they would keep gamers updated as they progress. The communication is definitely appreciated as it does not leave anyone in the dark.

The delay is reportedly due to material shortages and components not reaching their manufacturing facilities in time. Similar issues have been occurring in the gaming industry so this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Unfortunately, it has not happened to the Steam Deck, causing this delay.

For more information on gaming, check out How long is the Steam Deck battery life? and Steam Deck Screen Size, Dimensions, and Specs on Pro Game Guides.