Slow down, Valve. Steam Deck orders are just now shipping as of today, February 25, but the team is already thinking about the next one. That’s partially due to how many people have elected to buy the most expensive version of the device.

Gabe Newell said as much in an interview with EDGE Magazine (via PC Gamer). Due to the popularity of the more expensive Steam Decks, the follow-up is expected to be even pricier. “[Customers are] basically saying ‘We would like an even more expensive version of this’ in terms of horsepower capabilities or whatever,” Newell stated. But that’s only one factor that’s inspiring Valve’s next handheld PC. Newell continued, “The second iterations are going to be more about: What are the capabilities that mobile gives us, above and beyond what you would get in a traditional desktop or laptop?”

Virtual reality plays a part in this too. The Steam Deck as it now stands offers “battery-capable, high-performance horsepower that eventually could use VR applications as well.” More power (and thus, a higher price tag), would take this further. Power, mobile capabilities, and VR potential — those are the three things driving Valve forward with the Steam Deck 2.

With first-run Steam Decks shipping now, you’re going to want to know how to check if games in your Steam library are compatible. We also have a growing list of all games verified for Steam Deck at this time.