Every weekend, certain developers and publishers give their games free weekends on Steam to garner interest. Starting today, we at The Nerd Stash aim to highlight the different games that are made free each weekend for you to play. Who knows, maybe the free games you try might be interesting and perhaps you’ll want to purchase them? You never know, so make sure to take some time to try whatever interests you. Without further adieu, though, here’s everything you can play for free this weekend.

Starting, we have Black Desert Online. This game’s free promotion is a bit different in that the game is free to keep. As long as you claim the game before March 2nd at 7 AM PST, the game is yours forever.  Black Desert Online is an open-world MMORPG from developer Pearl Abyss. You create your character and pick your class as you adventure across various landscapes. Along the way, you’ll fight changing enemies and challenging bosses and can work with your friends.  With many different professions to master, challenging enemies to encounter, and beautiful areas to explore, there’s a lot of content for new players. If you like the game enough, you can purchase the game’s packages on Steam, which include many cosmetics and gameplay buffs.

As for games that are free just this weekend, we have only two. Deep Rock Galatic is the first and is available until March 2nd at 10 AM PST. Deep Rock Galactic is a co-op first-person shooter from Ghost Ship Games. You and up to a team of three other dwarves are sent on various mining operations and must collect various resources. It won’t be easy, though, as there are many monsters that you must handle. Will you and your team be able to make it out alive? If dancing dwarves and digging holes are what you fancy, the game is available for 50% off on Steam until March 12th.

Finally, there’s ARK: Survival Evolved, which is also available for free until March 2nd at 10 AM PST. The game is developed and published by Studio Wildcard and is a first-person survival game. You begin the game as a man or woman with nothing on a mysterious island. You must employ your survival skills to survive your first night but must go beyond that if you’re to create something for yourself. This might all sound pretty standard for a survival game, but what makes it different is the dinosaurs you can both fight and tame for yourself. How will you make your way up on this deserted island? If you’re interested in the game, there’s thankfully an 80% sale going on, which is a massive discount. Be sure to jump in if you like the game!

And that’s all that’s free on Steam this weekend. Are you going to be playing any of the games on this list? Have you played any previous free weekend titles on Steam? Let us know, and be sure to stay tuned at The Nerd Stash for all your news, reviews, and more!