Valve is constantly working to make the steam experience much better and easier to use. With more and more updates bringing the platform to the modern age of online shopping, Steam is also rethinking the store layout. For a long time, the Steam store has been a hub of all pc games, for better or worse. While at times it may seem like Steam is only recommending the same few titles, Valve is working to rethink that. With their Steam Labs projects focused on making the experience better for consumers, a new way to shop on Steam is here. Announced today is the latest Steam labs Experiment #13 hoping to revolutionize the Steam store. Titled Store hubs, this new layout makes searching and finding new games to play much easier. Steam users can try this feature out now by going to the official blog post.

Whats Changed in the New Steam Labs Store Hubs Layout?

Since the advent of Steam Labs, Valve has been restructuring how they think about the Steam Store. While at times it can seem like the store is very basic, this new layout will hopefully shake things up. By showcasing personalized recommendations and recommendations from your friend’s list, it’ll be much easier to look for new games. The new Steam Labs Store Hubs will certainly make searching a breeze and place much more relevant info front and center. These things include recent updates to games, titles from your wishlist, and more. The update also revamps the search and filtering options in Steam. Filtering specific tags or for discounts will make the shopping experience that much easier. While there’s no set word on when this will be merged to all users of Steam, one can assume it will be very soon.