Sometimes it’s not enough to finish a game; DLCs are there to expand the game and make more money for the publishers. There are many qualified DLCs on the market, such as The Witcher 3 and Euro Truck Simulator 2 expansions, but they don’t get the promotion they deserve. Steam changes this and creates a page for the DLCs, including features helping you to discover new DLCs and see the details about the ones you played. That is Steam’s new Discovery Hub page, and it’s focused on finding new DLCs. Discovery Hub isn’t a secret feature, it was available for a long time, but this page is new and available for all users.

Steam Launches a Discovery Hub For DLCs

The new Discovery Hub is in the beta process, just like all the Steam Labs releases so far. The aim here is to show players stats for the DLCs they played and suggest new ones according to their taste. Previously, you needed to be aware of the DLCs from other sources, and Steam didn’t have a page focusing on the DLCs. Now, there’s a hub to get all the information about DLCs, and it’s something we need to keep enjoying the games we finish.

Discovery Hub’s suggestions aren’t on the mark yet; this is only the beta version. But you can head up and take a look at the DLCs available with the games you bought. The page shows how many expansions you played and how many new additions are available. The discovery process before that was checking each game’s store page and inspecting the available DLCs. You might have already experienced that suffering; it’s not optimal. We want to see more Discovery Hub pages like this; it could be great if Steam starts showing interesting reviews, products, trending games, etc.