Steam Link is coming to Android and iOS devices this month, which means players will soon be able to stream their favorite games to their smartphones, tablets, and TVs.

Steam Link is set to launch on both Android and iOS during the week of May 21, Valve announced in a press release from earlier today. The app will first enter beta with Android access before letting iOS users try the program out too. Both Android and iOS users will be able to stream games to their phone, tablet, or TV using either a 5Ghz network or an Ethernet host. In short, that means Steam users can play Steam games on their mobile devices throughout their house—as long as their connection is fast enough.

As for playing games, the mobile Steam Link app will offer support for Steam Controllers and MFi mobile controllers, along with “more across both platforms.” Later in the summer, Valve will also release the Steam Video app, which lets users watch “thousands of movies and shows” on Steam through iOS or Android via Wi-Fi or LTE. Steam Video will let users stream videos or download them and enjoy them offline too, not unlike Netflix’s own mobile app.

Valve yes yet to announce a specific release day for either apps yet, and seeing how Valve is notorious for missing project deadlines (thanks to “Valve Time”) both apps may not necessarily hit their target dates. But at the very least, expect more about Steam Link and Steam Video on mobile devices over the coming year ahead.

H/T Phoronix