Steam isn’t only for the released games; it also allows the developers to create their game’s page before the release. It’s a great feature to learn the details about an unreleased game, but there was a little problem. The release dates were mostly confusing, especially for the indie games. It’s because most developers chose not to enter an exact release date. That was the reason for the confusion, but Steam finally changed the release date settings for the developers. It’s a change for the developers, but the users will also be thankful to get much more precise details about the game’s release.

Steam Forces The Developers To Choose a Release Date

The dates on the games’ upcoming releases pages were confusing. The developers didn’t have to give an exact release date to Steam, and they were free to choose any date or season for the release. This changes and Steam asks for the exact date from the developers. They’re still able to choose between 5 different titles like ‘Coming Soon‘ or the month of the release. But they’re not able to choose whatever they want anymore. This is a minor but effective feature for the platform; we hope to hear more logical information from the developers.

Especially for the games that are open for pre-purchases, the messed up release dates were annoying. You might see different launch titles on the platform, but Steam will have the exact date on the back-end side of the platform.

Steam has more rivals than ever. Since Epic Games became popular with free games, the platform has to give the best experience to the users. For example, Epic Games has a similar feature to Steam’s unreleased game pages. Steam now got an advantage with its clearer release date information. Those pages’ aim is not to make the users visit another website to learn; we hope to see them more informative in the future.