Steam launched its Remote Play Together beta, which allows a person who owns a co-op game in their Steam library to invite a friend who does not own the game to play, just last month. Despite not having the game, the invited player can view it on their screen and play it as if they were sitting in the room. Remote Play Together gives the effect of playing a couch co-op game, but over the internet.

Remote Play Together initially launched to a limited audience, but today, Steam lifted the restrictions and moved the program out of beta, allowing everyone with a Steam account to enjoy classic co-op goodness.

To celebrate the new system’s release, Steam has also launched a sale featuring a wide variety of co-op games that use the Remote Play service. The sale is live now through Nov. 25.

To celebrate, we’re hosting a Remote Play Together Sale & Streaming Event featuring streamers from around the globe sharing games using #RemotePlayTogether

Browse hundreds of Remote Play Together games on sale now ’til November 25th @ 10am PST.

— Steam (@steam_games) November 20, 2019

To access to the service, players need to have the most recent version of Steam installed. To use it, start the game, open up your friend list, right click on a friend’s name, and hit “Remote Play Together.” They should be prompted to jump into the program.

You can also adjust the sound and voice settings from there. And don’t worry, only the game is beamed to the friend receiving the invite—they do not see your desktop or anything else you may want to keep private.