Steam published the results for its July survey for hardware and software, and in it we get a very bold picture of how most gamers are doing their gaming on PC these days. Unsurprisingly, Windows 10 is the dominant OS of the bunch, with nearly 50% (44.93%) of all customers using Microsoft’s latest operating system.

The rest of the top 3 is also rounded out by Microsoft’s most recent operating systems, with Windows 7 64 bit and Windows 8.1 64 bit filling up the second and third slots.

Elsewhere, we learn that many users are still using dual-core CPUs, with 47.44% of surveyed customers using dual-core CPUs and 45.98% using quad-core CPUs. There’s also a slim margin of customers that are using configurations with more than 4 CPU cores, though that number is only at 4.49%.

So, for the most part, it looks like Steam users are generally keeping up with the times and making sure that their rigs are able to handle all of the latest and greatest games. The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 is marked as the most popular video card, though with their being so many options it only has a leading percentage of 5.03%.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Steam’s July Survey Reveals Nearly Half Of All Customers Use Windows 10

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