Steam’s Lunar New Year Sale is here, and to celebrate the thousands of games on sale, Valve has unveiled a new update to the gaming distribution service’s UI. A new UI tweaks makes the Steam store’s wishlist feature much more efficient for shopping.

The new update, which was rolled out today, features data on overall reviews and tags while viewing titles. Listing Hollow Knight, for instance, reveals the game is listed as “Very Positive” for overall reviews and has tags for “action,” “adventure,” and “metroidvania,” among others. These tags can be used to filter out games by genre, letting players look at all wishlisted games that share the same tag.

The new wishlist update also lets users filter out games based on cost and discount rates. For instance, wishlists can be filtered between games that are less than $10, less than $5, or less than the user’s Steam Wallet balance. Users can also filter games between those on sale, on discount for 50 percent or more, or with at least a 75 percent price cut.

Users can also add a game from their wishlist straight to their shopping cart, unless a title has multiple editions available. For instance, players can add Sonic Mania straight into their Steam cart from their wishlist, but to differentiate between Tyranny’s different Commander Edition, Overlord Edition, and various bundles, players can click on the “View Details” button to select the edition they want to buy.

Check out the wishlist update by heading over to the Steam Blog’s official announcement. Alternatively, simply click here to check out your wishlist’s new UI features.