Players must solve a number of puzzles as part of the Steam Summer Sale, and, for most of us, it can take some time to do so. These riddles were made by the time-traveling con artist Clorthax. He wants to sell Steam users the top ten games from the future but has disguised them in a series of challenging puzzles, leaving them to guess which titles are hidden in between. The Steam Summer Sale will include all of them. This guide includes all the answers to Clorthax’s Paradox Party Badge’s riddles, clues, and Steam Summer Sale puzzles.

All Clorthax’s Clues and Answers – Steam Summer Sale 2022

There are 10 games spread all around the website. The ‘Free Fun This Way’ banner on the Store main page links to the game. Players can then use the ‘Jump to the Current Clue’ button to get their first hint. Here are Clorthax’s clues, their answers, and the Steam Summer Sale rewards you will receive for solving them.


Steam Summer Sale 2022 is Live: Save Up to 70%

Steam is available on PC.