Earlier today, we told you about the fifth day of the Steam Summer Sale, which is bound to at least pique your interest with one game. In addition to each of the daily deals, they have been offering eight hour flash sales starting at 1:00 pm ET, 9:00 pm ET, and 5:00 am ET each day.

However, none of these are announced prior, so you have to keep up with them as they are announced. That’s why we thought we’d go ahead and update you there at home tonight with the batch of games that will be on sale for a little over four hours more at the time of this posting.

This group of games features four very different games, with all being great deals for the pricing. As per usual, the price given is the sale price with the percentage off following. These sales will end at 5:00 am ET (2:00 am PT), so make sure if you are interested to act soon. To check out the other daily deals that will be running until 1:00 pm ET (10:00 am PT) on June 24, you can visit the main Day 5 article right here.

Steam Summer Sale Day 5 Flash Sales (9:00 pm ET-5:00 am ET)

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Steam Summer Sale Day 5 Flash Sale Round 2 Ends Soon

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