As with a lot of the other days so far, the first round of flash sales for the Steam Summer Sale of the day were a little lackluster compared to the daily deals. One even seemed to be a little joke with “You Need A Budget” being added earlier. Tonight certainly has some very cheap games in the bunch, but still no outstanding AAA titles in the bunch.

One in particular is pretty disappointing, as Trine 2: Complete Story is on sale for $1.99, but you can get it completely for free as a PS Plus member right now on PlayStation 4. However, if you do not have a PlayStation 4 this is still an excellent deal for you to take advantage of right now. Otherwise, we get three solid games, with the most expensive running for $7.99, while still 80% off the regular price.

This flash sale will still be active for the next three and a half hours or so, ending at 5:00 am ET (2:00 am PT). For anyone that didn’t see the daily deals for Day 8 earlier, they will expire at 1:00 pm ET (10:00 am PT) later today, June 27.

Steam Summer Sale Day 8 Flash Sales (9:00 pm ET-5:00 am ET)

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Steam Summer Sale Day 8 Flash Sales Round 2 Gets Maddening

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