With a few days left to go, the Steam Summer Sale is still moving full steam ahead on Day 8. With a number of fantastic daily deals to choose from already, the flash sales have just been gravy today essentially. Neither batch of flash sales have been too overly impressive so far, but that is not to say there were not good games in the mix.

As we’ve reached 5:00 am ET (2:00 am PT), that means it’s time for the final round of flash sales for Day 8 of the Steam Summer Sale. As always, we have four more games to choose from, all of which are excellent deals in their own ways. Easily the biggest of these four is the very recently released Watch Dogs, which is 20% off for the next eight hours. In tandem with Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, one of Day 8’s daily deals, we have two recent Ubisoft releases as part of the Steam Summer Sale today.

The third round of flash sales will end at 1:00 pm ET (10:00 am ET), or in about eight hours from the time of this posting. The daily deals we already told you about earlier today will also be expiring at the same time, so make sure not to miss out!

Steam Summer Sale Day 8 Flash Sales (5:00 am ET-1:00 pm ET)

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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