While the beloved entry in the Tales series called Tales of Symphonia has finally made its way to Steam, the port itself has not been making fans who purchased it all that happy. It’s only been on the platform for a day, but it already has some nasty reviews.

Users on Steam are complaining about things like the framerate being locked at 30fps when it ran at 60fps on the GameCube over 10 years ago, resolution maxing out at 720p, sound issues and regular game crashes. Some users have said that they expect a some of these issues to be ironed out, but as of right now the game is not in a great state.

The developers have already reached out to fans regarding the lackluster port, saying that, “Fixes have already begun rolling out; expect to see continuous improvements moving forward with the title. We’ll continue to post updates on this board when they are available. Thank you for your continued support for the Tales of franchise.”

Tales of Symphonia PC is a port based on the PlayStation 3 version of the game, which itself was based on the GameCube version. These wildly different hardware situations have certainly lead to some migration issues to the PC, but hopefully the problems can be ironed out soon and PC gamers can fully enjoy the great game.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Steam Users Aren’t Pleased With The Tales Of Symphonia PC Port

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