Steam users can currently download Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare multiplayer for free on the console for a limited time trial.  With access from today until February 26th at 1pm PST, players can play as much of the game as they desire, with no level caps, prestige caps, or blocking of any content in the game.  The disk space required for the download is a hefty 50 GB.

The promotion is going on to give would be buyers to purchase the game as it’s on sale right now for 50% ($29.99) on the standard edition and 33% ($53.59) off of the Digital Legacy Edition which includes Modern Warfare: Remastered.   The version which contains both Modern Warfare: Remastered and the Infinite Warfare season pass, the Digital Deluxe Edition, is currently 25% ($74.99) off.

While Infinite Warfare saw a polarizing release this fall, Infinite Warfare still ended up being one of the most popular/most sold games of the year.  Multiplayer takes elements of the Black Ops 3 game and brings them forward with new special characters, weapons, and customization options.

Unfortunately, this free multiplayer trial does not include the popular Zombies mode of the game.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Steam Users Can Currently Download Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Multiplayer For Free

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