The holidays are an important time of year for almost everyone, but for PC gamers it has reached a new level thanks to the amazing deals that can be found during the annual Steam Winter Sale. The only problem is that no one knows for sure when the sale will actually begin. However, thanks to a leak from Paypal Japan, we might have the official date already. Reddit user Quantumbinman was sent an official email that stated the Steam Winter Sale 2014 would begin on December 18th.

This certainly isn’t the first time the start date for one of these sales has been leaked, in fact it isn’t even the first to come from Paypal. Both the Halloween and Fall sales had their dates leaked early thanks to third parties and Valve itself. While no one can be 100% sure until Valve says something, this does seem like a highly probable date for the sale to start.

While this comes only a few weeks after the Fall Sale, which itself came a little while after the Halloween Sale, Valve reserves their biggest deals for the two major season sales a year: Winter and Summer. Even if you found the offerings lackluster for the last couple of sales, there is still plenty to get excited about for this upcoming sale.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Steam Winter Sale 2014 Leaked for December 18th

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