It is that time of year once again where Steam’s digital marketplace squeezes gamer’s wallets dry with the enticing deals of the Steam Winter Sale 2019. Thousands of hit games are on sale for a limited time, and the prices do not get much lower than this.

During the Steam Winter Sale 2019, Steam is offering a number of special deals and promotions including “Festivity Tokens” which are a form of digital currency that can be used to purchase digital items in the new Steam Holiday Market. Players can purchase chat stickers, chat room effects, and additional Steam Winter Sale Coupons.

Festivity Tokens can be earned through purchasing games during the sale (every $1 spent = 100 Festivity Tokens) or by completing Holiday Quests. A plethora of holiday quests are available, and more will unlock as the Steam Winter Sale 2019 continues. As more quests unlock so will more sale exclusive digital items in the Holiday Market.

If you have been waiting out on playing some of the best games from the past few years, or if you’re wanting to expand your Steam library, now is the time to shop. The Steam Winter Sale 2019 runs from today until January 2 at 1 a.m. EST. (10 p.m. PST).

Great Deals

Some of the greatest games from this year, including The Game Awards 2019 Game of the Year, are on sale such as Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Rage 2, and Baba is You. I am personally more excited about some titles that I have owned on previous platforms but am wanting to add to my Steam library.

My game of the decade Fallout 4 is currently $8.99, Dark Souls 3 is $14.99, and the Ultimate Edition of A Hat in Time is only $19.99 so those are three cheap and amazing titles I will absolutely be picking up. I am interested to know what you all are planning to pick up during the sale, have already picked up, or games you recommend I pick up before The Steam Winter Sale 2019 ends.