Radiant Entertainment has recently made an announcement which revealed their plans for the near future of Stonehearth.

Firstly, Radiant Entertainment revealed that it has expanded over the last few weeks with the new team members Brad and Yang already getting stuck into help game development. The team then went onto announce what “important developments” are going to be worked on for Alpha 11 over the upcoming weeks and months. Here’s a complete list:

  • Add rivers and waterfalls to world generation
  • Complete flow and pressure simulation for water (this will fix the puddles that sometimes form in the world)
  • Launch the new Stonehearth site
  • Find new and better ways to communicate and cooperate with modders and players
  • Continue tracking down AI bugs
  • Continue to improve graphics performance
  • Add new music to the game and sound effects for new features
  • More monsters
  • The conclusion of the goblin campaign
  • New class: the Cook
  • Continue to improve the build editor
  • Add more feedback as to what your hearthlings need to make progress on seemingly stuck buildings
  • Improve the usability of the party system

Radiant Entertainment has also made the big decision of releasing Stonehearth onto Steam via the Early Access feature. For those with the game this will not change a thing; however it will allow new players to purchase the game directly through Steam for the first time. The game will become available for purchase on Steam Early Access, in early June, for price to $24.99.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

More on Attack of the Fanboy :

Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Stonehearth Alpha 11 Details & Steam Early Access Plans Announced

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