Apex Legends has had its share of Battle Royale maps before Storm Point, however, there has never been a map quite like this. Storm Point is the fourth Battle Royale map introduced to the game, following Kings Canyon, World’s Edge, and Olympus. It is also the biggest map in the game, finally outdoing the size of World’s Edge. Storm Point is also full of Wildlife, such as Flyers, Prowlers, and the brand-new Spiders. This large tropical island is a perfect mix of beauty and danger. Let’s take a look at all of the scenic locations that Storm Point has to offer.

All Major Points of Interest (POIs) on Storm Point

Storm Point has a total of 17 locations or Points of Interest (POIs) named on the map. For that reason, these are considered to be the major POIs on Storm Point.

The Antenna


Cascade Falls

Cenote Cave


Command Center

Fish Farms

Gale Station


Launch Site

Lightning Rod

The Mill

North Pad


Storm Catcher

Thunder Watch

The Wall

Minor Points of Interest (POIs)

Minor POIs are not marked on the map, but the name appears on your screen when you enter it. There are too many minor POIs on this large map to make naming them all worth it, but talking about a couple one that feel like major POIs is worth it.

The most notable minor POI is Forbidden Zones, a Prowler Den caged in by walls and doors on either side. It is lovingly referred to by fans as ‘Jurassic Park’, and even worthy of being a drop location. Another notable minor POI is the Black Sands Islands. If you take the Gravity Cannon, you’’l miss it, but it is an interesting battleground for the right rotations, and, Gravity Cannon or not, the main route between North Pad and The Wall.

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