Stranger Things is responsible for a plethora of unforgettable characters built on emotive moments. While Eleven and the core kids group are certainly the main protagonists, Joe Keery’s portrayal of Steve Harrington has undoubtedly stolen the hearts of many viewers. When fans were first introduced to Steve in season 1, he was an arrogant, overbearing jock trying to impress Nancy Wheeler. However, through his incredible journey of growth and discovery, fans begin to see a different side of Steve. As the seasons go on, Steve has emerged as a courageous hero with plenty of memorable performances. Let’s take a look at Steve Harrington’s best moments.

“Did You Give It To Him?”

For most of season 1, Steve was one of Jonathan’s most persistent bullies. This only increased when Steve discovered Jonathan was taking unwarranted pictures of Nancy with his camera. As a result, Steve emphatically broke the camera. This ultimately causes a rift in Nancy and Steve’s relationship, with the former then spending more time with Jonathan and trying to find Will and Barbara.

After Nancy and Steve rekindle their love, Steve buys Jonathan a new camera as a form of apology. Nancy gives it to Jonathan on Christmas Eve, where the two share a long stare. As Nancy returns to the couch, Steve asks: “Did you give it to him?” The apologetic act is one of the first signs of Steve’s character change, which only increased with the seasons. His act of kindness makes for one of Steve Harrington’s best moments.

“You’re Too Young For That Sh*t”

Dustin and Steve’s blossoming friendship throughout season 2 was a key attraction for the series. Their alliance was so beloved that Stranger Things fans began to label Steve as the “mom” of the kids group. Steve’s memorable season 2 journey saw him licking his wounds after his breakup with Nancy Wheeler. Young and looking for love, Dustin explains to Steve his crush on a girl, aka Max.

Steve, still recovering from his heartbreak, tells Dustin that falling in love with his crush would be catastrophic. Steve goes on to tell Dustin that she will only break his heart and then reveals the secret of making his hair look good. This encounter highlights the friendship between the pair and Steve’s reputation as a protector.

“You Look Like A Million Bucks”

In a heartwarming scene, Steve “The Hair” Harrington gives Dustin a confidence boost as he prepares to attend the Snow Ball dance at Hawkins Middle School. “You’re gonna go in there,” Steve insists, “and slay them dead.” Dustin follows these words up with his trademark purr sound, only to be met with a glaring look from Steve.

Despite Dustin’s low self-esteem about himself, Steve instills courage to go to the school dance and just be himself. It’s a touching moment between two unlikely friends, and it further establishes Steve’s journey of character growth. The final seconds of the scene focus on Steve’s POV, as he spots a dressed-up Nancy at the dance. He looks for a few seconds, playing back the memories of their relationship, and drives off.

“You’re Both Assholes, That’s My Problem”

Steve Harrington’s revolt against his friends, Tommy and Carol, sparked the first sign of change in his character arc. After Steve’s fist fight with Jonathan, Tommy and Carol bring him to a corner store to grab something cold for his bruised face. There, Tommy and Carol continue to make jokes about both Jonathan and Nancy, much to Steve’s dismay.

Realizing that enough is enough, Steve stands up for himself in defiance against the true bullies. This marks the beginning of Steve’s overall redemption, proving to himself that he deserves better friends. Thus, Steve’s heroic nature bubbles to the surface as his morals begin to change.

“Come On, Buddy”

One of Steve Harrington’s best moments happens when his valiant efforts as a babysitter sees him protecting members of the kids group. Steve’s brave antics include equipping himself with a nail-studded baseball bat before a battle with ferocious demodogs. The scene takes place in a junkyard, where Lucas, Dustin, and Max create a plan to lure the demodogs out so Steve can handle them properly.

At the peak of his character arc, Steve’s moment to shine as a legendary protagonist helps to keep the rest of the group safe. Defending the group, other-worldly beasts prove to be no match for the mullet-wearing hero. He even manages to get a good shot in on one of the demodogs before retreating back to the bus.

“No, You Are”

Under possession by The Mind Flayer, Billy tells Lucas: “You’re dead.” Steve, after engaging in a minor brawl with Billy in front of the Byers’ house, tells Billy that he’s dead before punching him in the face. An enraged Billy initially laughs before the two engage in a second fight. Steve puts his best foot forward, though he’s unfortunately overpowered by The Mind Flayer’s strength and control over Billy.

True Stranger Things fans know that fights never end well for Steve Harrington. Actually, Steve’s lost almost every fight he’s ever been in. However, his lionhearted efforts provide enough distraction to keep Billy from hurting the kids. Long enough for Max to grab the nail-studded baseball bat and threaten Billy to back off, at least. The scene proves to be one of the most badass moments from Steve.

“He’s In The Trap!”

Out of all of Steve Harrington’s best moments, Steve’s selfless saving of Jonathan and Nancy sits at the top of the list. Steve goes to the Byers’ house to make amends with both Jonathan and Nancy, finally recognizing the error of his ways. Unbeknownst to him, Steve has stumbled upon a house of booby traps set up by Jonathan and Nancy to capture the Demogorgon. Initially believing the pair to be insane, Steve brushes off their plans as nonsense.

Steve goes to leave after Nancy’s warning, though he chooses to stay and help fight. Despite having issues with Nancy and his constant bullying toward Jonathan, Steve saves the two of them by hitting the Demogorgon multiple times with his signature baseball bat. His fighting efforts help to trap the Demogorgon, for the time being, and Steve forever becomes a fan favorite. Once again, Steve protects those that need him, and not one single strand of hair falls out of place.