Netflix is reportedly working with the Duffer Brothers to produce a Stranger Things anime spin-off for the platform, entitled Stranger Things Tokyo. The series will focus on brand-new characters and be the first major spin-off of the popular Netflix series.

A ‘Stranger Things’ anime series titled STRANGER THINGS TOKYO is reportedly in development.

— Cartoon Crave (@thecartooncrave) December 23, 2022

What We Know About The Stranger Things Tokyo Anime

Stranger Things Tokyo will be the first major spin-off based on Netflix that quickly became a cultural phenomenon, which is set to enter its final season in 2024, following the dramatic conclusion of season 4.

Stranger Things Tokyo will likely premiere well before then sometime in 2023. The Duffer Brothers had apparently been planning to produce spin-offs for the series since 2021 and began production on the anime series this year.

It is reportedly 6 hours total in length and features a story that, while connected to Stranger Things, will still be able to be told on its own. The only official description for Stranger Things Tokyo reads:

An encounter with the Upside Down evolves into a grand adventure for video game-loving twin brothers living on the outskirts of 1980s Tokyo.

The Duffer Brothers began to seriously work on the project after upping their Netflix deal in 2022, and more information on the series is expected to be delivered in the coming months leading into the New Year.

The Stranger Things franchise has already begun venturing into other mediums through Netflix, namely in the video games department with games like Stranger Things: Puzzle Tales. Stranger Things 3 was also recently announced at the 2022 Game Awards and is expected to be released sometime next year as well.

There is also currently a rumor that Megan Thee Stallion will appear in the final season of Stranger Things in some form, but the details are not fully known at this time.

For more of the latest information on Stranger Things and other Netflix projects, please be sure to keep reading The Nerd Stash!