There comes a time where strategy is above all. Similar to battleships, strategy game Ships 2022 will be combining strategy with simulation, making the experience as realistic it can be. With elements of an action game, players who love to get in the midst of battle have come to the right place!

The title was announced by Games Box S.A. To where they conveyed Ships 2022 being the clear sequel in regards to Ships 2017. In addition, the title will allow players to manage their own port and undergo independent sea expeditions…

Likewise, Ships 2022 will be releasing to PC (Steam) and consoles, including Xbox One, Xbox Series/S/X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch. All of which will provide the much-loved strategy setting, premiering in 2022!

Above all, the strategy game Ships 2022 will contain a variety of new features as well as classic gameplay. The title allows fans to complete independent sea expeditions and can manage ports/upgrade ships. However, there will be an open-world aspect, giving fans the room to sail throughout the vast seas. Furthermore, the locations within Ships 2022 are actually real, which is starting to look like Microsoft Flight Simulator has had some impact. But with good reason, seeing as fans can immerse themselves amongst the popular waters.

Games Box S.A. has a special discount going if you include Ships 2022 in your Steam wish list. So grab it before it goes, and next year awaits!