Want to know about all Sewer Memory locations in Stray? Traveling through the cyber city in Stray, you have to visit several unique areas and complete many quests before you can complete the game. But we advise you not to rush through the game. In addition to the main quests that are important for the plot, some are not necessary to complete, but we advise you to do them anyway. During your travels, you have a small robot sitting on your back. One of the secondary tasks in the game is to collect the lost memories of the B12 robot. Several memories are hidden in each area, and today we will tell you about all the Sewer Memory locations in Stray.

All Sewer Memory Locations in Stray

Sewer is not the most pleasant location; luckily, you won’t have to spend too much time here. But still, two memories of B12 are hidden in the Sewer area. And you will have to find them to learn a little more about the history of the little robot. In addition, there are several story missions in this location, so in any case, you will not be able to bypass this location. But still, we will make your search a little easier, and below, you will learn about all Sewer Memory locations in Stray.

The Sewer Memory 1

Shortly after parting with Momo, you will go down the metal stairs and find yourself in a narrow corridor. Zurk eggs will grow on the walls, and you should not touch them. Go straight ahead and turn into another hallway on your left. There will be even more Zurk eggs. You must be careful not to hurt the eggs. Or take your time and slowly kill all the Zurks, freeing yourself a safe passage. After passing along the hallway with Zurkas, you will see a wide round pipe. Enter it and go straight until you come across the first memory.

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The Sewer Memory 2

When you get into Sewer while running away from a horde of Zurks for the first time, you will jump onto a large pipe to hide from them. Go to the far end, and jump over to a smaller metal pipe after reaching a dead end. Walk along until you see several barrels in front of you. Use the barrels to climb higher to get into another stone pipe that will lead you to the second memory.

These are all the memories you can find in Sewer. But if you want to collect all the memories, you should read our other guides about all Midtown Memory and all Slums Memory locations in Stray.

Stray is available on PC and PS.