Stray is finally available for around $40 (or your regional equivalent) on both PC and PlayStation platforms, bringing a ruined cyberpunk world to life as the only animal that makes sense: a cat! With plenty of places to explore and secrets to uncover, you can surely get your money’s worth out of the title. Given that it’s an adventure game and all, you may be wondering how long you can expect to play a game such as this. Well, wonder no longer, as we’re here to help! In this guide, we’ll explain exactly how long it takes Stray to beat depending on your playstyle!

How Long it Takes to Beat Stray

Chances are that the majority of you out there simply wish to experience the main story of Stray and nothing more, and that’s totally okay. If you’re that type of person, Stray should take anywhere from four to five hours to beat on a first playthrough. For those of us who like a bit of side stuff but perhaps aren’t completionists, then you can expect to be playing Stray for anywhere from five to six hours. Finally, for those of you who are completionists and wish to see everything Stray has to offer (alongside getting all achievements), you can expect to have everything done anywhere from the six to seven-hour mark.

While this length may sound disappointing for some, it’s important to note just how beefy of a game Stray is. Sure, it may not be your standard 30-hour RPG from AAA studios like Ubisoft, but it uses its short time effectively to tell an interesting story and offer plenty for you to explore and collect. Sometimes, the saying less is more does apply, and many would argue that applies here.

Stray is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.