Players explore an underground metropolis while controlling a cat in the game Stray. Simple escape to the surface and reunion with the cat family is their primary objective. Players gradually realize that there are only robots in this metropolis as they travel together with the cat and a little drone by the name of B-12. Where did everyone disappear to? How did the planet get to its current state? Because it is a cat, the cat doesn’t give a damn. The animal does, however, form a link with vitamin B-12, and finally, the cat discovers the passage outside it has been looking for. But as the conclusion demonstrates, leaving that metropolis comes with a price that will most likely make you cry. Here is Stray’s ending explained.

The Ending – Stray

The cat and B-12 eventually make it to the command headquarters of the fortified city. This area of the underground metropolis, in contrast to the others, is immaculate. The region is essentially a snapshot of the metropolis at its height. Additionally, it seems to be the only exit. Unfortunately, a confinement operation is still in progress. Thus, the doors remain locked.

B-12 uses the cat’s claw to approach the control room’s core, where it subsequently finds the remainder of its memories. B-12 used to be a human scientist who observed the epidemic that wiped off mankind, which is why he was imprisoned. The original human version of B-12 attempted to transfer his consciousness into a robot body, but something went wrong.

As a result, he was left for hundreds of years in an electronic coma. The B-12 drone served as the scientist’s final recipient of a body, thanks to the cat. B-12 wants to assist the cat in opening the city more than ever because, in a way, he is the only person left on Earth. He must, however, activate multiple systems to get around the lockdown to accomplish so.

Electrical blowbacks that B-12 suffers when interacting with computers cause damage to his drone’s electronics. By the time B-12 is prepared to open the doors, he admits that he was aware that to unlock the walled city, he would have to give his life.

Stray: All Sewer Memory Locations

B-12 breaks the lockdown as he bids a final farewell, saying that the Companions and the cat are in charge of the future. The cat weeps for B-12 by curling up next to the drone as he drops dead on the ground. B-12’s sacrifice, nonetheless, is worthwhile. The city expands, eradicating the mutant Zurks and mechanical Sentinels who had earlier pursued the cat and giving the Companions their first glimpse of the sky. The cat ultimately departs the city at the end of Stray, perhaps to reunite with its pals.

For some reason, there have been internet rumors that Stray ends with the cat passing away. Even some people seem to have stopped playing the game due to these rumors. In light of this, let us clear the air by noting that the cat appears to survive the game in as good of a condition as is reasonable.

However, as was already noted, the cat laments the death of B-12, its sole friend, towards the game’s conclusion. The two connected throughout their voyage and desired to travel the world together. Thus, it is surely a bittersweet moment. At this stage in the game, the cat can only perish by clipping out of bounds and falling into the virtual vacuum below. Thus, players may make the cat snuggle with B-12 for as long as they like (and who can blame them). Earlier in the game, the cat might be killed by Zurks or Sentinels, although those outcomes are neither canon nor irreversible. Whatever transpires, Stray’s story concludes with the cat still alive and moving on to an unknowable destiny.

Stray is available on PC and PlayStation.