Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 has only been out for a few short days, but it has made quite the explosion since its launch. Rumors have been spreading that a nuclear missile could be found on the new Al Mazrah map that could instantly win you the match, similar to how it functioned back in the original Modern Warfare games. Players have been wishing for this moment for quite some time, and it will definitely blow some minds to learn that there is, in fact, a nuclear missile in Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0, and it will give an automatic win if a you can meet the challenge.

Twitch streamers Wagnificent, EthanStellar, and OPMarked were the first team to successfully pull off the nuclear feat. The glorious moment is featured in Wagnificent’s Twitch clip, complete with a countdown for dramatic effect. But how did they do it? Turns out it’s actually quite the challenge.

In order to achieve the Champion’s Domination, you must first win five matches in a row. This in and of itself is not easy to do. Once this is accomplished, you will be dropped into the Al Mazrah map and receive a quest that has you find three nuclear ingredients. Once collected, you must wait until the bomb site appears, then bring the bomb to it with the three components. After activating the bomb, you then need to defend it until it detonates. You have the entire duration of the game to complete this objective.

Saying that this is a win of epic proportions is an understatement. Fulfilling the requirements is rare enough, so those that manage to succeed deserve to see their match go out with a bang. Players looking to try it for themselves can jump in and try their luck.