streaming-juggernaut-netflix…but only in Kenya. And only with a limited choice of content. And only via Android phones. And only in Kenya…for now. At least that’s what Variety is reporting today about the streaming juggernaut that is Netflix. The free streaming plan is akin to what Peacock did when it recently elbowed its way onto the streaming stage.

Cathy Conk, who is the director of product innovation at Netflix, spoke more about what they were thinking about in a blog post:


The streaming juggernaut is hoping that by offering a free plan, with about a fourth of the choices than if you paid, people would be more inclined to subscribe after getting a taste of some of their content.

Surprisingly enough, this free streaming plan comes with no ads. At least for now. I’m sure once they see the numbers, they may be more inclined to throw an ad or two your way. Can’t download anything either, which makes sense since it is free. No credit card information is needed, either. All Kenyans will need is to have a valid email and be 18 years of age or older.

I had mentioned something like this before, to my brother, recently. But my free way would be to offer the pilot, or first episode, of every show, or whichever show they think would work, for free. And maybe the second episode, but this is similar to what I had thought of recently. Not sure which shows they will make available for free but since they have their content, I think they might want to focus on what’s theirs as opposed to what isn’t theirs. This is going to be something they release to bigger markets eventually, it’s too smart not to be used more.