Streets of Rage 4 has now been out for five months, bringing some great 2D beat ’em up action that acts as a great callback to arcade titles. Our review cited the game’s beautiful 2D visuals, enjoyable classic action, and great co-op gameplay to boot. If you’re looking for a modern version of arcade fighters, this game may just be your thing. For those on Game Pass, that only becomes easier with the game being a part of the service. It seems many have taken their chance as well. Publisher Dotemu and developers Lizardcube & Guard Crush Games are happy to announce that Streets of Rage 4 has been downloaded 1,500,000 times. For an indie game of this size, that’s a big feat and deserves some celebration.
Needless to say, the teams behind the game are celebrating. Cyrille Imbert, executive producer on Streets of Rage 4, has the following to say:
You won’t have to wait longer for one of those updates either. Streets of Rage 4 received an update today, bringing many changes and bug fixes to improve quality-of-life for the game. Some of the biggest changes are that specials and start move can interrupt all hitstun states. There are also big buffs to Axel and Cherry, bringing them more in line with the rest of the characters. There’s of course much more than this, including a whole host of bug fixes. You can find the full patch notes here. Streets of Rage 4 is available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.
This is some very exciting news for Streets of Rage 4. If you’re planning on trying out the update, let us know what you think of the changes. As well, what do you think of the game? Let us know, and stay tuned at The Nerd Stash for all your news, reviews, and more!